James D. McCallister

author of the Edgewater County series

Review (Live Music): PHISH, Fresh in Portsmouth 2014

Amidst a series of higher profile weekend gigs like Randall’s Island and MPP, Phish dropped back into what has become the East Coast’s coolest outdoor shed with a pair of solid mid-week shows stuffed to the gills with tour debuts, a couple of which can be termed definite bustout material, and a number of satisfying jams. […]

Review (Theatrical): BOYHOOD (2014)

Ambitious, moving, and profound, Richard Linklater’s BOYHOOD is hands-down the most artistically successful American movie since THERE WILL BE BLOOD. Period.

Review (Live Music): PHISH Returns to Charlotte

The snooze-you-lose show: no mere mythical creature, Phish has often dropped mind-quakingly offbeat or unique shows at undersold venues, at tour stops off the beaten track, perhaps most famously epitomized by the storied 11-2-98 Utah stopover in the wake of the huge Vegas Halloween run; the four thousand phans in the cavernous basketball arena that […]


For those of you just catching up to this manuscript and its path to publication, over the last year my literary novel MANSION OF HIGH GHOSTS has been making its way through the process of acceptance at Story River Books, the new fiction imprint now operating under the auspices of the University of South Carolina Press. […]

MTC Fall Writing Classes Return

This stuffy summer finds me not only blazing through the third revision of the DIXIANA saga (1608 pages and counting) but continuing to wait for news on any number of promising submissions, the most prominent of which is my literary drama MANSION OF HIGH GHOSTS currently residing on desks and hard drives at Pat Conroy’s Story River […]


Now wrapping up a ten-day break from the editing phase of my three-novel series DIXIANA (the process of which I’ll detail in a forthcoming post), here we have two newsworthy tidbits of note coming in an otherwise sequestered time of authorial diligence and quiet endeavor: Tidbit 1: I’m thrilled to announce that an abstract I submitted to the So Many […]

THE PROGNOSTICATORS (Featured Short Story)

Here’s one of my favorite unpublished stories, one that’s not only garnered numerous rejections, but zero awards. Who cares? At ECC, we’re able to publish ourselves. Enjoy. Note: This short story also inspired a full-length feature screenplay, the first I’d written in many years. I’m proud of that piece, too, which has also gone nowhere. At […]


Here’s an updated rundown on my various unpublished manuscripts. — MANSION OF HIGH GHOSTS—As we know from this wonderful news back in July, 2013, MoHG, as my original literary epic is known ’round these parts, is under consideration for publication from Story River Books as part of the second slate of titles from this exciting new fiction imprint at the […]

Kurt Vonnegut, A Mantra, and Me

Yes, We Have No Nirvanas I grew up wanting to be a writer. An only child who spent lonely afternoons and summers at the home of grandparents who lived in a neighborhood without kids, books and reading were (insert drumroll) my constant companions. Yawn. How many times have we heard those very words out of […]

Review (Live Music): PHISH Halloween at Boardwalk Hall

Better late than never, and in acknowledgement of the new Phish album due next month, here’s a never-posted review of last year’s epic Halloween concert. — For the second time in four years, Phish, Vermont’s perpetually popular group of prog rock virtuosi, returned to Atlantic City for their typically-legendary Halloween run. Anticipation, through the roof; […]