New DOGS Cover

Yep. An indie author with a title he hopes may exhibit evergreen tendencies will occasionally slap on a fresh cover and call it springtime again. My own catalog, as King’s Highway and Fellow Traveler will both attest, is no exception to this phenomenon.
Refer to this graphic to understand my approach to these design issues:
In the latest instance, the last of the current Dogs of Parsons Hollow stock had sold down to two, and it became clear the time had arrived to submit a new design to the publishing gurus at Mind Harvest Press.
Over a month of tinkering, drafts, adjustments and myriad other details involved in completing a layered graphic design began at a familiar point of departure, an idea from the first publication which emphasized the Edgewater County river, mystery, and blood.
Here’s the final version of that original vision, as not only approved but now published:
Not too shabby, if I do say so. My skills as a cover designer continue to grow. Couple this one with the recent completion of the upcoming hardcover edition of Reconstruction of the Fables (2022):
Note to aspiring authors: my editorial services page, which includes cover design, is always open! (Hint, hint.)
About dmac
James D. McCallister is a South Carolina author of novels, short stories, journalism, creative nonfiction and poetry. His neo-Southern Gothic novel series DIXIANA was released in 2019.