INDIE AUTHOR WEEK at Richland Library!

Next week I’ll be a featured participant in Indie Author Week at Columbia’s national award-winning Richland Library!
Of course, what we’re actually celebrating is Indie Author Day, Saturday, October 14. But because there’s so much to say about not only writing but publishing, library organizers, along with successful local indie author Raegan Teller, thought the program could be expanded.
The result?
I couldn’t be happier about participating in this program designed to further the journey of the indie author. My workshop Techniques of Tenacity is crafted to offer assistance to the novice writer still struggling with either completing a manuscript, or even sitting down to start one. All the programs will have much to say about the world of indie publishing, pursuing creativity, and achieving personal goals.
Make no mistake: these workshops, presentations and panels constitute a free, mini-writer’s conference here in downtown Columbia, SC. Writers (including this one) often pay hundreds of dollars to attend workshops like these, so take advantage of your community library’s free contribution to your budding writing career. Thanks to author Raegan Teller and Kelsey Truluck of RCPL for inviting me to participate. See you there!
About dmac
James D. McCallister is a South Carolina author of novels, short stories, journalism, creative nonfiction and poetry. His neo-Southern Gothic novel series DIXIANA was released in 2019.