Poetry: Grandiose Mendacity (Ode to the Demiurge)

A new year, a new poem. Enjoy.
Local Author Rolls Out His First Poetry Collection Back in 2019, I reached a personal creative crossroads. (In some ways I’m still not far beyond that point.) The third in the Dixiana series had been finished, edited and final-proofed; I dropped all three big novels on the world that year, a seasonal effort, one which […]
Indie Publisher and Local Author Celebrates Release of New Poetry Collection Mind Harvest Press is thrilled to present Peace, Rhododendron, the first collection of poetry by Elizabeth Leverton. A Columba, SC, all-around artist, Leverton paints (that’s her work on the cover), she writes, she edits, she’s a graphic designer. All of us here at the […]
A second offering from Kenneth Patchen This one is a fragment of a much longer block of information, almost like an incantatory text. A certain portion of Patchen’s work could be described as downright apocalyptic, including this excerpt:
A New Series Highlighting Interesting Poetry The year started out with me having taken a break from poetry, both reading and writing it. For months my eyes belonged almost solely to Henry Miller, as I finally found time to get through The Rosy Crucifixion trilogy as well as the other, lesser know works like Big […]
Local Author Ponders Completion of a Life Project The title of this piece, a snatch of phrase taken from my poet’s notebook, popped in my head one day and I wrote it down. That’s what a writer does. A wise one, anyway.
Local Author Reports on 2021, A Most Prosperous Year Nothing earth-shattering or tl;dr here, merely a note celebrating what turned out as one of the best years I’ve ever lived. I reached a level both of personal best in terms of my health and physical well-being, as well as business success at our little hippie […]
Today’s thought on poetry comes courtesy the realm of philosophy: “What is a poet? An unhappy man who hides deep anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so formed that when the sigh and cry pass through them, it sounds like lovely music…. And people flock around the poet and say: ‘Sing again soon’—that is, […]
Rejection Slip Society Awards Local Author Highest Honor Nothing thickens the skin of an emerging writer than weathering the storm of rejection slips which come with the game of submission we scribes tend to play. I should know—after twenty years of submissions, I own a stack of NO as tall as one of my doorstop […]
Need some help getting kick-started this week? Here you go. “If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could […]