Poetry: Grandiose Mendacity (Ode to the Demiurge)

A new year, a new poem. Enjoy.
That’s right—it’s an honest-to-jiminy book launch for a Mind Harvest Press title by James D. McCallister!
Lamenting the Loss of a Precious Companion After a long, stable period with our beloved nineteen year-old cat Reuben, we woke this morning to discover him feeling quite unwell, the worst we’d yet seen. The last year has been difficult, as he began suffering multiple health problems, all of which he seemed to come through […]
Our culture is dead, and like all zombies it cannibalises its own past forms, in our case the cultural world of the 1980s which our civilisation replays, in increasingly degraded forms, over and over again, creating a nightmarish pastiche of the world we departed four decades ago. From the pop music of The Weeknd and Taylor Swift, to The […]
Author Thrilled to Present Long-Gestating Story Collection Much more to say on these stories later, but for now, here’s the cover (and here, posts from the past regarding this material. These characters and situations are “near and dear” to the heart around the bustling world HQ of venerable Mind Harvest Press, so knowing the work […]
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they* don’t have to worry about the answers.” —Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow *THEY = The Hierarchy Enslaving You
Another Lament for a Lost Loved One Those of you who have frequented this blog long enough to have read this harrowing post, or my novel Mansion of High Ghosts, may recall of the terrible tragedy which befell the occupants of my automobile way back in 1987. This remains the singular life-changing event of my […]
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, […]
Local Author Rolls Out His First Poetry Collection Back in 2019, I reached a personal creative crossroads. (In some ways I’m still not far beyond that point.) The third in the Dixiana series had been finished, edited and final-proofed; I dropped all three big novels on the world that year, a seasonal effort, one which […]