James D. McCallister

author of the Edgewater County series

Rebuilding Year Now in High Gear

To explain: on both a professional and personal level, 2015 represented a year of culmination for this Southern author. Not only did a tumultuous, inspiration-ridden multiyear cycle of primary compositional work on my novel series DIXIANA draw to a conclusion in May, but the same month my mother’s long battle with illness came to a grim […]


Here’s a quick report about my two events yesterday at Columbia, SC’s inaugural Deckle Edge Literary Festival!

DECKLE EDGE is Almost Here!

South Carolina’s newest literary event is almost here—next weekend brings the debut of Deckle Edge! Successor to the late, lamented SC Book Festival (its swan song came in 2015), book lovers, young readers, educators, and writers of all skill levels will find activities to stimulate their particular field of interest.

Author News Roundup: February 2016

For the last month or two I realize that it has been quiet around good old Edgewater County Confidential  . . . apologies. But behind the scenes, rest assured that much has been stewing and brewing and coming together: First, a glimpse of the future—the first piece of key art for LET THE GLORY PASS […]